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Thursday, July 31, 2014

Arrogance Of Experts

I see on the news they are evacuating americans with ebola and bringing them to the United States.

They are flying people sick with ebola...and bringing them here.
And they think the risk is acceptable?
This just sounds arrogant to me.

It was arrogant to be in Africa fighting the disease.
It just sounds insane to bring it back here.
Are they so sure they can prevent it from spreading?
They are 100% sure of their techniques. Yeah!
They are willing to risk so much...to try to save a doctor who took a great risk upon himself but then got infected...interesting...so he must have miscalculated the risk? And they think they are on top of it now?
The rest of us did not sign up for this risk.

I don't know...but I suppose it will be OK. But does anyone knows the odds?
Even a one in a million odds of this spreading here...is not worth it.

In my opinion

Monday, July 28, 2014

7/28/14 LUCKY DAY

I see seven sevens in this date
28 is 4 times seven
14 is two times seven

Seven sevens!

the luckiest day!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Failure Of Diplomacy

terrible news this morning from Ukraine
and they are blaming all the wrong people as usual...
who shot down that airliner?
I don't know...
right now they say it was the rebels...

but I know what bothers me about all these war type situations
my question

What are the diplomats doing?
I see them having a job...keeping the peace...
which they fail at over and over again.

My take on Ukraine...
NATO is being pushy
Russia feels threatened

and violence breaks out

who is to blame?

I blame the diplomats. They should be smart and wise and clever and
they should advise all parties to be moderate.
be patient
all the good stuff

so what are they doing?
I don't know.