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Friday, March 30, 2012

Origin of Doctors

started as witch doctors
started as shamans
started as workers with the supernatural

how much has it changed?

they say they know

do they?
what do they know?

belief systems are just that, BELIEFS

you think reality is one thing?
it is all things

the material world comes from the spirit
not the other way round

and it is really all spirit

that is what to awaken to

you are spirit
he is spirit
the sun and moon are spirit
the wind and the lake are spirit

all is spirit

there is no disease

all is light
all is love
all is one
one spirit

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Right Question

How can I put this?
My biggest problem is articulating my opinion.

the mild case

you can live without doctors
without medication
without hospitals
without surgery

and if you do, you will save a lot of money

we have been brainwashed into believing that you cannot live without this industry
that everyone needs it
everyone uses it
and people tell stories about how their life was saved by medication and doctors
and they are sincere
they believe the doctors saved them

is this the truth?

If you are selling snake oil it sure helps for sick people to believe you have a cure. It helps to make you rich.
Who are the rich in our society?
Who are the 1%

Many are doctors
insurance people

what do they really produce?

better to live simply and avoid the fear sellers
they sell fear
we buy it
we die anyway

Monday, March 12, 2012

In The News

gasoline prices very high

stocks very high

time to leave Afghanistan alone

Iran working on a nuclear weapon

looks like it will be Obama vs. Romney

Always worth saying,
treat people with respect and kindness and love and forgive and be patient
and remember that you are getting all the help that you need
walk away from trouble
don't buy into negativity

the real news is....
the flowers are blooming
the birds are singing
Jupiter and Venus are dancing in the heavens

It is all love