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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Compare Libya to Crimea

What we did in Libya was infinitely worse than what Russia has done in Crimea.
We systematically aided a violent revolution.
Countless lives were lost in this operation.
They still are far from having a civil society in Libya.

So far the transition in Crimea has been mostly peaceful.
Why are we so outraged?

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Are We Really Better Than Putin?

OK, so the story is not over yet, but there has recently been a change of government in Ukraine and Russia has sent in some troops. Our leaders expressed outrage over this!
But so far it looks peaceful and like the troops are really peacekeepers during a time of potential anarchy.
In contrast, what our government seems to have been doing for the last many years is to foment revolution and then stand back and be appalled by the bloodshed! We say shoot first and ask questions later. We sneak in and murder our enemies without any attempt to capture them!
We are arrogant in our superiority. We see the enemy as subhuman. 

Count the dead in

We keep supporting and encouraging rebellions! This seems crazy to me!

And the word I would throw out is


sure the world could be a better place, but guns are not likely to get us there, and rebellions are not likely to get us there and secrets SECRETS are not likely to get us there

A big dose of PATIENCE and TRUTH would work nicely thank you