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Friday, March 26, 2010

Ab Intra (from within)

Inside and outside
Where does our experience come from?

From Within
Ab intra

Sickness ab intra
happiness ab intra
love ab intra

People go to the doctor, they get the treatment, they get the cure
then a year later they are right back with a new condition
finally they are dead

what does not get treated is the inside man
the spiritual man
the soul
the mind

treat the soul
then enjoy real health

all is to the good

tell yourself the right story
sow the right seeds
reap health and wealth and happiness

watch how the flowers grow

experience comes
ab intra

From within

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Faith Or Fear?

Is it more comfortable to live in faith or to live in fear?
Is it more profitable to live in faith or to live in fear?
Is it more realistic to live in faith or to live in fear?

Do we have a choice?

Wouldn't you rather live without fear, without anxiety, without worry, with a peaceful mind?

How can you choose to live without fear?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

DOW 12,000 By Thanksgiving

What a happy market we are having.
Already 10% above the recent February low of 9835. Today at 10,838. 11,000 is within spitting distance.
The next 10% will be slower, but I expect 12,000 before Thanksgiving.

Why is the market going up? Because business is very good.
The economy is healthy.
High unemployment is good for business because it keeps wages down. The overheated economy of the past was not healthy. Overstimulation is not healthy. There should be slack in labor markets. There should be a large pool of potential employees.
The inflation of an overheated ecomony looks good but is really destructive of prosperity.
I hope this low inflation environment will continue. Then we can all muddle through and have real prosperity.
Unemployment of 8% should be the new standard of full employment. If government can adjust to that reality, all will be well.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Everything Is To The Good

To the Good



everything is good to the good

"peace on earth to men of good will"

to men of good will there is peace on earth

Peace is here already. War is over. This is the good world of our dreams. It is here right now. This is it.
For all things are to the good.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Almost A Sure Thing

When a stock first starts making new highs, it is very likely to keep going up. But after many new highs the odds of it going down increase.


on the day it peaks, it will make a new high
that will be the last new high for a long time

but the first new high is a buy signal in most cases

The Far Side Of Bliss

all I can say is goodbye
that's all I can say

summer and winter are gone
and now it is May

maybe we'll meet
in another land

on the far side of bliss
we can all hold hands

and if I see you again
you'll know me for sure

after so many good years
our love is all pure