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Thursday, April 29, 2010

MIND OVER MONEY bubble or flight?

I watched the documentary on PBS, "Mind Over Money."
I found a lot to disagree with.
Mainly I dispute the premise that we have just experienced a terrible financial bubble.
They start off with Tulipmania and somehow equate that with inflated house prices.
There is no comparison!

Real estate has been rising for a hundred years! That is not a bubble. That is something else.
That is a flight from the currency.
Governments around the world have been debasing their currency. That is what has been going on. People are constantly trying to get out of cash and into something that will hold its value. The best thing is income property. You get a stream of income and as the value of the money declines that income increases and the value of the asset also increases.
This is not rocket science.
This is easy and obvious stuff.

And cycles are nothing new. They are not bubbles. People habitually take on too much debt and then there is a correction. That is normal and healthy.
Every twenty years or so there are a lot of REO properties on the market. Those are bank owned properties that were foreclosed on.

Is it news that there are fools? There will always be fools. Should we all suffer to protect the fools from themselves. I am against that. Let them fall. That is the only way to learn to be responsible. People do learn. Most people do become more responsible during the course of their lives.

We are not victims of "behavioral psychology." We are able to make intelligent decisions.



Video with Sri Bhagavan: 27.4.2010

"Basically at the psychological level, you are the question 'who am I?' You are the question. And once the question goes, you are gone with it. If there's a question, you are there - no question, you are not there. So by asking 'who am I?' You are sustaining the I. There is no answer to this question. If the questioner realizes there is no answer, the question will disappear and along with that the questioner also is gone. Now what happens in that case: suppose you are gone, but how do you know that you are there in the first place? What happens from now on is, the observer becomes the observed. You are defined by what is being observed. Suppose you are in a room - the television, the walls, the lighting, the people around - because they are there, you are there.

Remove them, you are gone. In other words the teaching here is, the observer is the observed. Let us say, there is a tree - because there is a tree, you come into existence. The tree only defines it. In other words: you are the tree. Because there's a wall, you come into existence. The wall is what you have become. You are the wall. You are the tree. You are other people. The observer has become the observed. This is for the enlightened person. But if you go into a still higher state of Oneness - still higher state - then you will actually become the tree. You will experience the tree breathing. You will actually become the wall."

Who am I?
I am what I create.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

First The Flower

First the flower
Then the fruit
Then the feast

First the feast
Then the night
Then the dawn

First the dawn
Then the flower
Then the fruit

First the fruit
Then the feast
Then the night

First the night
Then the dawn
Then the flower

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Chaos In Their Wake

You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.
But why do some people have to make so many omelettes?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Celebrate The Common Man

Who will take care of us? Who will do all the work to take care of us?
Who will grow the food?
Who will build the houses?
Who will maintain and repair and renew?

Will it be the rich man?
Will it be the poor man?
Will it be the common man?

The common man is the man we most depend upon.
He is the factory worker, the plumber, the gardener, the school teacher, the nurse and on and on. He goes to work. He does a good job. He creates all the material abundance we enjoy.
He is the man we need. He is the woman we need.

Let us celebrate the common man.
The man who takes care.
He is truly rich. And he makes us all rich.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Now For The Hard Work

So the market has been very good lately. We got to 11,000 and punched through. But the climb to 12,000 will not be so fast and easy. My predicton is 12,000 by Thankgiving. Seven months from now. It looks like earnings will be very important to allow this rise.
There could be some discouraging corrections coming up.

But the truth is always that things are getting better. People are getting richer.
Sometimes it is hard to believe because as individuals we age and grow feeble and die.
Not easy to be optimistic when you imagine your destiny.

But your projects don't all die when you do. They are handed over to the new generations. They stand on your shoulders and continue to find wonder in an expanding universe.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Signs of Overheating

inflation is running around 2%.
The powers like that, but it is not a good thing. It should be zero.

GDP growth is 5.5%. Wow! That sounds high to me. I thought 3% was the sustainable number.

Gold is $1,148 per ounce. What can I say?

Oil is $85 a barrel. That is great news if you own an oil well.

All the stimulation is to make the rich richer. Always a wonderful plan. The excuse used to sell the stimulus is to get people employed. The unemployed are generally in two groups, those between jobs and those who are not employable. The unemployable don't need an overheated econoomy. They need other forms of help.

Already Overheating

Is the economy already showing signs of overheating?
Is there inflation? Is the rate of inflation increasing?
Are there shortages or supply bottlenecks?
Are things selling out?
Is it hard to find qualified employees?

Business and government are both seeking an overheated economy. That is what they want. If the economy is healthy, they complain loudly that there is not enough demand. They demand more stimulus and lower interest rates.

They want the economy to be overheated.
They do not want a healthy economy.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

News Bias Blame, Credit or Cause?

Birthrates drop in California, and experts blame recession

How about "experts credit recession"?
"Experts site recession"?

Blame has a negative connotation, as if to say a fallng birthrate is a bad thing.
Who is to say if that is good or bad or neutral?

I personally see it as a good thing. But that is my bias.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Estrogen Bunny

I saw her this morning.

Friday, April 2, 2010

What Is The Truth?

The master said, The truth will set you free."

Another way of saying,


The truth is that you are free. You have always been free. You will always be free.