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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Big Lie Continues

Can you believe anything our government says?


I am not worried about it. But our big CDC guy has kept saying things that turn out not to be true
That is sort of pitiful

So, we have a guy with Ebola, he sort of snuck in. He gets treated in Texas and dies.
But now TWO health care workers who took care of him are testing positive for the virus.

WE were told it is not a problem here for us because our procedures are so good.  yeah....
So our guys underestimate the risk
and the consequences are not good

we just don't know what will happen and we can't trust our experts

what a revelation

Saturday, September 27, 2014


what's black and blue and cannot be touched?

answer below.....

the sky

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Earned Wisdom

Don’t be selfish. Take care of the people around you. Be fair.  Be kind. Don’t envy. Don’t be in a hurry. Accept the gifts that you are offered. Don’t insist on change. Let the world be what it is.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Arrogance Of Experts

I see on the news they are evacuating americans with ebola and bringing them to the United States.

They are flying people sick with ebola...and bringing them here.
And they think the risk is acceptable?
This just sounds arrogant to me.

It was arrogant to be in Africa fighting the disease.
It just sounds insane to bring it back here.
Are they so sure they can prevent it from spreading?
They are 100% sure of their techniques. Yeah!
They are willing to risk so much...to try to save a doctor who took a great risk upon himself but then got infected...interesting...so he must have miscalculated the risk? And they think they are on top of it now?
The rest of us did not sign up for this risk.

I don't know...but I suppose it will be OK. But does anyone knows the odds?
Even a one in a million odds of this spreading here...is not worth it.

In my opinion

Monday, July 28, 2014

7/28/14 LUCKY DAY

I see seven sevens in this date
28 is 4 times seven
14 is two times seven

Seven sevens!

the luckiest day!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Failure Of Diplomacy

terrible news this morning from Ukraine
and they are blaming all the wrong people as usual...
who shot down that airliner?
I don't know...
right now they say it was the rebels...

but I know what bothers me about all these war type situations
my question

What are the diplomats doing?
I see them having a job...keeping the peace...
which they fail at over and over again.

My take on Ukraine...
NATO is being pushy
Russia feels threatened

and violence breaks out

who is to blame?

I blame the diplomats. They should be smart and wise and clever and
they should advise all parties to be moderate.
be patient
all the good stuff

so what are they doing?
I don't know.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Distracted Living

You've heard of distracted driving...the real epidemic is of distracted living.

If You Are OK With Not Being OK Then You Are OK

logical I say
who would not want to be OK?
who is really OK?

You really are OK...that is the truth...
who ever told you that you were not OK?
they were wrong
that was bad advice

so just be OK

that is all

so simple

similar to don't worry be happy...
sure...you stepped in shit!
but shit can be fertilizer

you are going to die...and that is also OK
it is OK when you choose to believe that it is OK


Monday, May 19, 2014


Just wanted to share this word with you.

I wonder what it means?

It means grace and corruption are two sides of the same coin.
So you might say that the mercy of a Presidential pardon was a grabaducci.

The governor displayed a wonderful grabaducci when he let John Evil walk a free man!
Or the saying people have when someone is rescued from a collapsed building after a week of being buried.

Another one of God's grabaducci's! What a miracle!


Sterling the racist is being punished out of proportion to his crime. But now the whole NBA is under investigation! Grabaducci!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Compare Libya to Crimea

What we did in Libya was infinitely worse than what Russia has done in Crimea.
We systematically aided a violent revolution.
Countless lives were lost in this operation.
They still are far from having a civil society in Libya.

So far the transition in Crimea has been mostly peaceful.
Why are we so outraged?

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Are We Really Better Than Putin?

OK, so the story is not over yet, but there has recently been a change of government in Ukraine and Russia has sent in some troops. Our leaders expressed outrage over this!
But so far it looks peaceful and like the troops are really peacekeepers during a time of potential anarchy.
In contrast, what our government seems to have been doing for the last many years is to foment revolution and then stand back and be appalled by the bloodshed! We say shoot first and ask questions later. We sneak in and murder our enemies without any attempt to capture them!
We are arrogant in our superiority. We see the enemy as subhuman. 

Count the dead in

We keep supporting and encouraging rebellions! This seems crazy to me!

And the word I would throw out is


sure the world could be a better place, but guns are not likely to get us there, and rebellions are not likely to get us there and secrets SECRETS are not likely to get us there

A big dose of PATIENCE and TRUTH would work nicely thank you

Thursday, February 27, 2014


the material laws we observe are just special cases of the spiritual laws that actually govern the cosmos

Monday, February 24, 2014

Why We Need Bosses

Nine out of ten people if given their head will run off into a ditch.
That is why we need bosses to keep us on the road. The human condition is largely one of permanent folly.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Crazy about Gold

just was looking at the long term gold chart
and I had a flash
could this be true?


and pretty soon, all things considered, like in the next two years

I mean of course it will in the long run because the dollar will continue to lose value gradually forever

but the chart looks like it will be pretty soon

Monday, February 10, 2014

Olympic Damage

those people at the Olympics are hurting themselves....

and as we are one

they are hurting all of us

for GLORY?

to fulfill our human nature and human instinct of striving?

to save the rest of us from hurting ourselves?

for money?
for love?

is it the martial spirit?
is there fear?

do they work and practice from following bliss and love or from the fear of the whip?

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Common Sense COSTS

little slogans
you must pay for what you get
somebody pays
there ain't no such thing as a free lunch
you get what you pay for

lots of discussion of affordable care law

bottom line, somebody will pay for whatever is provided
so the argument gets down to who pays for what?

we all pay we all pay we all pay

I gave at the office

what have I learned
forget all this controversy and concentrate of three things


Friday, January 24, 2014



All day long we use words
permeated, enveloped, castrated by words
prisoned, pained, pining for rest, for comfort
yet decay sets in, sits us down, holds us
smothers us and yes, finally we move no more

restored and reborn and reawakened and
to eternal life
really, the same life we thought was lost
and really not any more blissful than
that one or that one or
that other one that we once
even envied

see it now for what it is
just illusion piled on top of illusion
with a foundation flimsy, foolish,
of metaphor
nothing under that,
nothing, unless you think
nothing is something

knowing or pretending or at least
knowing you don't know and finding
a foundation of ignorance is
a comfort

humbled at last and able to
see truth at last of thrills
without seeking them, just
pouring like rain like tears like love
like god

Monday, January 20, 2014


the world cannot get better because it is already perfect

Saturday, January 18, 2014


government turns out
to be
an association

each one has their own agenda

power for its own sake

and also there are the true believers
the fanatics
who believe that the population needs to be controlled
and they are the best person to do the controlling

so what can we do?


and stay out of it as much as possible

Monday, January 13, 2014


a lot of people
have figured out
how to make a living



Thursday, January 2, 2014

We Should Be Friends With Russia

it is time to forgive and forget and realize that Russia is our friend
it looks like we still automatically take the opposite side on issues
just like our Republicans and Democrats automatically disagree

this is silly
and irrational
and causes a lot of trouble

first look for agreement
and second look for agreement
and third look for common ground

we should be friends with Russia
and China