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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Healthy Affirmations

starting from the idea that there are some causes of illness in the mind
such as...

desire for attention

desire to get out of work or responsibility

desire for revenge, to hurt those around you

why not? some conditions arise spontaneously and they are just conditions

going along with the crowd, everyone else is sick so I guess I am supposed to be sick!

SO here are affirmations to address each of these potential causes...

I get all the attention I need

I am never over-worked. It is easy for me to say "no" when asked for anything or when anything is expected of me

I forgive absolutely

I accept absolutely everything with an open heart

I see GOD everywhere. Everyone I meet is GOD.

Perhaps "why not?" requires explanation. Elaboration. Everything is. All possibilities do arise.
We make illness or disease from our interpretation of conditions.
Illness is not anything in and of itself. It is only a label we put on a condition.
We tend to call it illness if it puts a limit on our behavior.
Thus, we have symptoms. Are the symptoms the illness?
Why is pain a problem? Seriously!
Follow this...
pain prevents sleep...
who says you need sleep? who tells you how much sleep you need or when you need it?
pain makes it so I cannot walk...
people can live without walking babies can't walk
pain makes me afraid I will die, you will! we all die and that is OK

this needs to be meditated upon

pain is just information, a message, usually the message says, don't do this or that
stop hurting yourself

whatever the symptom, no matter how extreme, see it as a blessing, see it as information, see it as love, open the heart and accept everything absolutely
then it is not disease
then it is not illness

what is it?

that is what it really is

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