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Friday, April 29, 2011

Dollar Down Stocks Up

No mystery here
companies have a real value
so if the dollar goes down
of course the price of the stock in dollars will go up.
Interestingly the correspondence lately is pretty tight.
Stocks this year up around 7% and dollar down around 7%.

And if the dollar goes back up, it will put pressure on stock prices
unless growth and earnings are really terrific.

The real mystery for me is gold and silver.
Are they going hyperbolic now?
How high is the top going to be?

When will the crash come?

Nobody knows!

But I do think it is a safe bet that a big decline for the metals is coming. Probably down to at least $800 on gold if not $300! But it may first go to $2000!!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011



eternal moment

arises spontaneously


the void

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

An Appeal To Reason

just a thought
I am surely wrong
so often wrong about everything
my point

but here it is

I keep hearing about demonstrations
and governments
and violence

and I keep hearing calls for governments to stop hurting people
and for leaders to step down
calls for democracy

what I do not hear
are calls for the demonstrations to cease
I think that if the demonstrations stopped the violence would also stop
common sense

Can't we continue to work for change and justice and freedom
without provoking and creating an enemy?

What would a reasonable man do?
Would a reasonable man demonstrate until it provokes a violent response?

work patiently toward simple goals

or hurry toward chaos and grief

Sunday, April 24, 2011

I Believe

I believe

our love

can save

the world

this is the eternal now
this moment

this now is the fulfillment

of our love

our love


the fulfillment of our love
right here
right now
this is it

you better believe it
love is the source
all is love

everything happens of necessity?
everything happens of choice?


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Illegal Attack Raises Gasoline Prices

Here is a big irony.
Obama wants to investigate to see if illegal activities have caused the increase in gasoline prices!
He doesn't get the irony of this.
His own illegal attack on Libya is one of the main causes of the price rise.
And who knows what covert activities have been causing the troubles in Egypt and other such countries!

"Nonetheless, where consumers are harmed by unlawful conduct that has the effect of increasing gas prices, state and federal authorities will take swift action," Holder said.

He promised to "be vigilant in monitoring the oil and gas markets for any wrongdoing so that consumers can be confident they are not paying higher prices as a result of illegal activity."


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Arab Spring Causes Oil Price Rise

Is there any doubt about this?
Arab Spring demonstrations in Egypt and war in Libya
and oil goes from $90 to $110 per barrel

And US policy is to encourage the revolts!

So, US policy is to do things to raise the price of oil.

Smart move!

And how has this all worked out for the common man in these countries?


any more freedom?
maybe a little

but of course this is a long road and in the end the struggle will be worth the cost

that sounds wrong

the freedom won will justify the struggle and the cost!

where have I heard that before?

and do they really want freedom? or is the fight really just about money?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

No Evil

there is no evil
in the world
or anywhere

in your own heart

people look around and complain that somebody somewhere is evil
and they use that to justify

and cruelty
even torture

but it is only a projection
it is their own evil

they don't like the greed they see in others
but they are greedy themselves
they don't like other people's sexuality
but it is their own sexuality they don't like, they fear or are ashamed of

they think other people are dishonest
but it is their own dishonesty

and so on

there is no evil in the world
the world is what it is
only your own judgment creates evil
and you can only see the evil that is already in your own heart

so work on yourself
fix yourself
and the world will like magic
be fixed

and all will be love and truth and beauty

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Recording Session

Herman Matthews, Joe Oliva, JV Collier, Terry Wollman

I had a great time last night working on my song with these guys.
Superb work from Herman on drums, JV on bass and Terry as engineer and producer.
What a pleasure!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Too Many Omelets

I have heard it said
you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs

and I say
why do people have to make so many omelets?

but I have to run now because a bulldozer is coming

Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind

So I had one this morning. An encounter that was too close.
I was out watering my back lawn.
I stepped in poop.

Which sort of ruins my morning.
The goal of life, after all, is to not step in poop.

But actually, it washed off easily and the rest of the day was just fine.

Save The World

I was considering again the problems of the world.
Greed and ambition.
But it is an approach.
And the people who get attention and power, even though they may have good intentions, are the ambitious and greedy people.
So they never solve the problems, because they approach them wrong.
It won’t bring peace to drop bombs!
Growing the economy will not make people satisfied.
Only waking up and being content now can save the world.
Seeing the truth
The world is love

Good intentions are not enough
Having no intention
that would be enough

letting the world be what it is
that would be enough

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Quest For The Emerald Leaf

At the beginning of this wonderful fantasy novel, there is a poem. It is a poem well worth reading, and reading again.

A Point In The Dark

A point in the dark
Through the frozen air
Fixed in the mind
By the penetrating stare
Of ages of wisdom
And will to care.

Saplings to trees
And trees to dust
The cycle continues
As all cycles must

The blind that can see
And the deaf that can hear
Know the truth of the secrets
Kept hidden and near

Still afraid
When there is nothing to fear
Death does not stalk
You choose your own tears.

E.G. Oliva

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Evil Landlord 2

Tonight Evil Landlord had an opportunity to show his true colors.
A poverty stricken tenant called with a sad story.
He had locked himself out of his apartment!

Evil Landlord had his own sad story to tell.
He said that the keys were at his office, a 20 minute drive. He said that helping locked out tenants after hours was not a service he provides!
What an outrage!
He mentioned that the tenant could call a locksmith. That would cost at least a hundred dollars.Probably more!

But Evil Landlord made a proposition. What a greedy bastard! He would go get the keys and let the tenant in. It would take him about an hour. But he felt he needed to be given some compensation. Say, 25 dollars?

What an outrage. What greed. What is the Evil Landlord doing at night that he can't drop it to rescue a needy tenant? He expects to be paid! 25 dollars. Moneygrubber!

But the story has a happy ending. An agreement was struck. Evil Landlord was about to leave to get the keys when the phone rang.

The tenant had managed to get in without a locksmith and without the help of Evil Landlord!

O Happy Day!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

More Than Enough

So we each have more than enough
and there is a unity
we really are all one
and the infinite power is everywhere
constantly actualizing our desire,
our appetite, our preferences

Looking outward at the world we see people striving and
they choose that
that is their desire
not a problem

be at peace
don't take sides
in the dance of ocean and shore
you don't need to favor either
the dance will go on of itself

we say most of the troubles are caused by
greed and envy
and the will to power

but how can that be?
why want when you have more than enough?
why envy when you and your neighbor are one?
why seek power when you already are one with
the infinite power and love
that is the source of all things?

there are no troubles
there are no problems
there are no conflicts
only love
everywhere and always
and the dance and the games and the bounty
everywhere and always

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Evil Landlord

These are the tales of the evil landlord. His mission is to take away any chance of happiness from anyone so foolish as to be a tenant.

Today he noticed a cat up on the balcony of a unit. NO PETS ALLOWED!
But he decided it would be better not to mention it. Live and let live, after all.
Not to mention the unauthorized occupant.

And he called a tenant whose rent was 5 days late to ask why. Politely he asked and was satisfied with the answer and apologized for disturbing the tenant.

Finally he went upstairs with his drain opening tools and snaked the bathroom basin for a tenant. Evil landlord prefers to do this work himself because plumbers have been known to break drain lines with their rough electric snakes. Oh, and there was also an unauthorized occupant in this unit.

Meanwhile, tomorrow the floor men will come and put in new vinyl in a bathroom for another tenant.

Evil landlord never rests in his quest to make tenants miserable!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The First Punch

Who threw the first punch?

Was it your father?
Was it your mother?

Who hit that man?
Was it his neighbor?
Or a stranger?

I think it was a long time ago. I think it happened before we were even men.
But the debt must be paid!

the cycle of violence and hatred down the generations
but wait....
if we only knew who started it!

We could KILL THEM!

That will not help
just forgive
think of your enemy as a child
or as your mother
look at them in truth
and the truth will set you free of your need for revenge

How sweet it is to forgive
How happy we are when we forgive
When we are no longer angry
When we no longer see injustice everywhere.

As we are all one, there is an answer

Who threw the first punch?
Why.... I did!
And you did
We both did
We all did
And now
we will all forgive each other and
be happy together
and live in peace

Sacred Books

Is any book sacred?

There are no sacred objects
There are no sacred statues
There are no sacred locations
There are no sacred people
There are no sacred books
ALL sacred

No book is sacred, unless all books are sacred.
When idolatry is forbidden, what does that mean?
It means we are only to worship the one god.
We are not to worship objects, or people, or places.

Only to worship the one spirit.
And if we see all as spirit
Then we may worship all.

And might not our beatitude be to stand always in worship of the spirit in all and of all?

To always be praising
to always be thanking



"Use it up. Wear it out."

"use it up
wear it out
make it do
or do without" This is an Irish saying.

total health
being in
accord with

the all

the problem wasn't the tornado
it was the buildings falling
the structures built by man

I do what I do in order to live
Living is my purpose and goal
just to live
"It's just beautiful here."

The truth is
you are free

always have been free
you cannot surrender your freedom(paradox)

you are free right now

you are making your reality

you always have been and always will

easy to practice

Happy Forgetting Day!