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Monday, March 7, 2011

The Oil Monkey

Let's get the oil monkey off our backs.
How much trouble has oil caused in the last 100 years?

Let's be done with that kind of trouble.

Here is the simple way out.

A hefty tax on oil, all oil, from all sources. A federal tax.

Here's how to implement the tax.

Every 3 months the tax on a barrel of oil increases by 50 cents.
That's 2 dollars a year
In a decade that's 20 dollars
In three decades that would be 60 dollars

This would work. The economy would be able to adjust. Tax revenues would be higher so the money would stay here in America. Alternative energy would be more and more appealing. Imports would go down. Our dependence on Middle East oil would end.

That monkey would be off our back.

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