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Monday, October 25, 2010

Thanksgiving 12,000

Maybe it will still happen.
DOW 12,000 by Thanksgiving.
Less than 6% up from today.

That could happen quickly and easily.
November 25, 2010.
A month to go until then.

Somehow I expect the market to drop right after the election. But then it could go up some more.
Anyway, to refine my opinion. I mean that some time before Thanksgiving I expect the DOW to touch 12,000.

If it doesn't, my heart will not break.

And the main reason I am bullish now is that business is good. Profits are going up. Unemployment is actually good for business because it makes it easier to hire good workers at reasonable wages.

And the main reason I am bullish on the long term is that I believe in people. People are creative and adaptable. They can overcome any obstacle. They have a lot of desire. Animal spirits. Progress. Innovation. It's getting better all the time.

1 comment:

bix1951 said...

I first predicted this in March.