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Sunday, December 7, 2008

In The News

Couple of headlines seen
"Things are going to get worse before they get better." Obama

I would like to see an optimistic leadership. I would like to see upbeat news about the economy. This negative spin has been going on for years. Even when the economy was doing well the predictions of a recession were ubiquitous.

It all looks like propaganda.
Why is the captain trying to sink the ship?

What is there to gain from running everything down?

I assume everyone is trying to get more personal power. The propaganda is all working to give more power to cetain individuals.

What if there were no crime?
The police would be out of work. Attorneys, judges, courthouse workers, prison guards would all find their services to be in less demand. How could they really desire less crime or less conflict or less litigation. It is to their advantage to have more problems. More problems give them more power.

The medical establishment gains from illness.

The military establishment gains from global conflict.

Bankers thrive on debt and borrowing.

Others live on vices of all sorts, addictions to drugs, nicotine, alcohol, gambling.

Let's move a little in a different direction. Let's do away with these needs by living well. Just living well. Each of us. Living wisely. Carefully. Responsibly.

A step in the right direction is to recognize the propaganda for what it is.
Every news story-be sceptical. Why should we live in fear? Who gains when we are afraid?

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