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Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Fed Not Political?

OK...so the election is over and now the Fed raises rates....OK
not political timing?
Fed did not want to risk the economy with a Democrat incumbent...so so they waited until after the election.
Looks like that is what happened.
The Fed, though, is not politcally motivated, is it?

Sunday, November 20, 2016


the right should be polite

now that the right is in power

there should be a new politeness

let the left be rude

but the right can be BIG about it

without being condescending...

be polite and respectful of all mankind

speak the truth without flinching

the right can be polite

the right will be polite

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Did FED Crash Economy In 2008?

they don't talk about it much...but the FED was slow to cut rates in 2007 as the crisis began unfolding  leading up to the GREAT RECESSION
And this was leading up to a presidential election.
It could be argued that there was a deliberate crashing of the economy , orchestrated by the FED...for political purposes...
but that it went horribly wrong....

They started tightening way back June 30 of 2004.
They did not cut until Sept. of 2007...at that time things had already begun to collapse.
As the crisis unfolded cuts were made rapidly...but it was too late. They could not stop the collapse.
So with hindsight...they should have begun cutting sooner.

always the question...on purpose....accidental...or just stupid?

Saturday, September 17, 2016

The Political Class

So that government of the political class, by the political class and for the political class shall not perish from the earth.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

USA carbon emissions vs. Mexico carbon emissions

USA per capita carbon emissions is 16.5 tons.
Mexico per capita carbon emissions is 3.7 tons.

If we could deport 11,000,000 Mexicans back to Mexico, that would reduce emissions by
141 million tons a year.

141 million tons of carbon emissions per year.

So...letting more people into the USA...or failing to deport the ones here illegally...is bad for the climate.
Our current immigration policy is very bad for the EARTH.

More Immigration equals faster climate change.

Immigration Accelerates Climate Change

This is a big one. Most immigration is from low per capita consumption nations to high per capita consumption nations.
When a Mexican becomes an American....the result is more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
USA has the biggest per capita consumption and the biggest per capita carbon footprint. People moving to the USA accelerates climate change.
This is pretty obvious.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

American Ideals

Lately I have been hearing about American ideals.

that is a myth...the myth of monolithic ideals!

The context I have been hearing is regarding the issue of immigration.
They seem to be saying that opposition to immigration is a betrayal of American Ideals.

That is a BIG LIE

there is no American Ideal that says we must welcome immigrants!

the US Constitution says congress shall have power... "To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization"

that's it! A rule! The rule could be anything! Nobody allowed in! Only people under the age of 30! Only WHITE people! The rule can be anything!   There is no ideal expressed there.

People try to read ideals into old documents.
only ideals that Americans have...individual Americans! Not a collective or a hive of Americans.
My ideals may be different from yours.


take away my right to have my own opinion if you dare...insult my opinion all you want...I believe we each have a right to our own opinion!  That is not betrayal.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Latin America Poor Compared To USA and Canada

Why is the wealth of Latin America so much less than the wealth of USA and Canada?

I don't know...but I have ideas to explore...questions to ask.

Could it be the foundation of religion? Latin America Catholic...USA Protestant?

Could it be latitude?  South America is located on the equator. Around the world equatorial areas tend to have lower GDP.

Could it be government?  There are plenty of problems with Latin American governments...well known...but also they are fragmented into perhaps 20 countries. Better to have one big country...a big free trade zone!

Could it be ethnicity? USA has been largely German and English and Irish. Latin America... Portuguese and Spanish and Native.

And how big is the gap?

it is very big...USA per capita GDP around $55,000. Latin America around $16,000.

OK...another fact...is it babies?
USA percentage of population under 15 is 19%...Mexico percentage under 15 years old is 27%.
that might account for some of the difference...but not all..

Could it be saving and investing?...over the long run a higher rate of saving tends to make you much wealthier if it is invested in productive assets...

anyway...it is worth thinking about and researching...why are some nations wealthier than others?