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Wednesday, May 29, 2013



I am not right
You are not wrong
I am not wrong
You are not right

Above is truth
below are lies
below is truth 
above are lies

gracefully dancing
falling twisted
the full range
the icy pallette
the million colors
the one clear light

all the same
when fragmented or together
inspired despair
to false love
to truth

lying on the flower bed
or lying to your face
still really one together
now and forever

Thursday, May 23, 2013

All Disease

is vice

all disease is vice

very radical statement




all disease is vice

live with that for a moment
try it on
what does it mean
is it useful?

Correction At Last?

A big sell off is happening right now.
About 4% off the market in two days.
Looks like a normal thing.
How much more? Another 6% and we would have a nice 10% correction.
How long will it take?
Maybe two weeks.
So I will make a wild guess that a bottom will be made around June 6

I am curious to see if this pans out.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Suicide Note

This was written in acting class as an independent activity. The imaginary circumstance is a husband who has lost his wife and has adult independent children. In the scene he has already taken poison and knows he has only a few minutes of life remaining to him. He writes a suicide note, but it is written to his late wife.

My love! My eternal love!
I have tried to stay in this world, but soon I will join you. 
A year I have gone on, each day more painful than the last.
Now for the first time I have hope because I know I will join you,
soon. Just a few minutes and I will be with you, joy to be reunited.
Please understand why I have done this. The pain was too much to bear. My only hope is to be with you again, or oblivion, much better than this living death I have endured.


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Are Fruit Trees Selfish?

Are people really just selfish and phony and liars? Who knows?
Maybe those are the wrong questions. Hung up on that stuff when the real point is to learn to be happy and loving.
Think of people like fruit trees. Are the trees selfish. Yes! They give fruit in order to spread their seed. So they do have an ulterior motive! But what is the motive of spreading seed? Isn’t that unselfish? What good does it do ME to have descendants?

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Bad Moods

Do I have a right to be in a bad mood?
If I could choose, would I choose to be in a bad mood or a good mood?

Is being in a bad mood a sort of entitlement?
Is it OK as long as you don't hurt anybody? But doesn't it almost automatically hurt people?
Is it just selfishness?
Or is it sickness?

Or do we owe it to our community to cultivate a good mood?

OK, so everybody gets in bad moods. What should you do about it?

Maybe the only wise course is to excuse yourself from the scene until the mood passes.
The problem is that you can't always get away. Sometimes you must work with others in spite of the bad mood. I can't work with you because I am in a bad mood so I will go by myself and relax and goof off!

Let everyone know you are in a bad mood and ask for tolerance?
Sounds manipulative. Sounds like shirking.
I can't work well with you because I am in a bad mood so you must accept my sub par performance.

How often are you in a bad mood?
How can you cultivate good moods?

This is a big field for study.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Roaring Bull Market

Do bulls roar? Do markets roar?

I don't know what to do in this market. I don't understand it.
It scares me.
Too high!
Why is it shooting up today?
Is it a short covering rally? All the people who sold short expecting a May correction are now wildly covering and driving the market up and away?

Or is it reasonable.
Markets have a long way to go now.
We have really had a stagnant market for 10 or 15 years and now markets can double
and it would not be unreasonable.

What am I doing?
I am scared.
I am sitting with cash. Option premiums are very low.
The odds in my mind favor a continued move up. But there is the fear of a correction or a crash.

Here is how I am thinking

10% continued rapid rise
10% crash
10% correction
20% slow rise
50% nothing to write home about.

Corrections are usually short and bitter.

So sitting in cash I fear I will miss the 30% chance of good gains over the next two years.

I  really don't have any good ideas right now.