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Monday, July 23, 2012

Remember The Truth

Meanwhile the zeitgeist had taken a negative turn. Stocks are dropping on news from Spain and Italy about debt. People are giving way too much attention to a shooting at a theater in Colorado. Meanwhile there is almost no attention to a car wreck in Texas that killed just as many people. But they were Mexican workers, so who cares??!!
I am feeling some of the despair. What’s the point? My whole life has been one big mistake. There is nothing to look forward to. That sort of thinking.
We are tipping over as a civilization. Everything is deteriorating and getting worse.
That is what we are hearing in the media. Election bullshit.
Reality intrudes. Look around and you see all sorts of positive stuff. New cars, new houses and buildings, people taking care of what they have, new inventions, devices, great movies, all sorts of amazing progress in the world. Nothing to be pessimistic about. Things are gradually improving on all fronts.
I find that as an individual this truth sometimes is hard to see because of the aging process. Each of us as an individual does have an inevitable decline and death. This can lead to a pessimistic outlook.
But we are not really individuals. We are part of a whole, a community, a world. We are part of the infinite and have access to the infinite. We are magical and powerful and free.
Don’t buy into the negativity.
Go ahead and listen to the whole story. Remember the true story. It is a story of progress and enlightenment.

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