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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Who Is Funding Rebels?


we are

news out today is that USA is part of a friends of Syria group
that will be paying $100,000,000 to the rebels in Syria

but we won't be arming them!

they have to get their own weapons

It looks like our middle east policy is to destabilize nations there
we encourage chaos and rebellion
meanwhile in our own country

the authorities allow vigilantes to kill black teenagers

so I feel disappointed now with the direction of things
unlike my normal optimism

but here is the story I can tell myself.

I really don't know what is going on with other people. I really just do not know.
I barely know what is going on with me.

I know the wind blew over part of my fence this afternoon.
I got busy and patched it up.
But it is pretty rotten and we do need a new fence.

The fence is to keep the dog in!

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