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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Steady State Economy What To Call It?

There is a movement advocating a steady state economy for the world. They advocate that by growing GDP we are harming the environment.

They make a good case, but they could make a better one.

To change the public mind or to just give up, that is the question.

How might the public mind be changed? Education, propaganda, advertising. A simple message.

Growing GDP is making you sick.
It causes war, mental illness, crime, misery and environmental degradation.
Unfortunately there are many apologists for growth. They actually argue that growth is good for the environment.

But a simple case needs to be made. Just a few words. A few slogans that are true. That can be backed up with good facts when needed. As positive as possible.

try this


But what to call it? Steady State Economy is awkward.
Sustainable is suggested but that is already a euphemism for growth that is manageable.

How about
Growth Economy or Happy Economy?

What would be a happy economy?

Happy Economy

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