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Monday, May 22, 2017

Seth Rich murder

Looks like the Seth Rich murder has not been properly investigated.

I would like to suggest a special counsel for this task.

Racism Is Not An Opinion

Racism is not just an opinion...it is a crime against humanity.
Therefore...we need to round up all the racists and reeducate them!
Whatever it takes. Racism must be STAMPED OUT!

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Expect Idiocy

The Los Angeles City Council will consider major changes to the city's water conservation rules Tuesday morning At issue: the city's lawn-watering rules, which were cited in a recent report by an independent group of engineers as a factor in a series of water main bursts last year.

For more than a year, residents across the city have been barred from irrigating their yards and gardens on days other than Mondays and Thursdays. The new proposal, backed by the Department of Water and Power, would allow those who live at odd-numbered addresses to water on Mondays and Thursdays and residents at even-numbered addresses to water on Tuesday and Fridays.

The changes were recommended after a panel of experts concluded that the two-day-a-week irrigation rules helped trigger a series of pipe breaks by creating dramatic fluctuations in water pressure. Some water main breaks damaged homes and businesses. One created a sinkhole that swallowed part of a firetruck.

the law of unintended consequences...they make new rules and the new rules do harm...they give you drugs and the drugs harm you...the surgery harms you...the class harms you...and it is always something nobody anticipated....

new rules lead to new problems

Special Counsel To Investigate LEAKS

President Trump should appoint a special counsel to investigate the leaks.
It looks like the FBI is not seriously investigating the leaks and may even be the source of some of them.

Independent special whatever you want to call it...a big investigation of the illegal leaks needs to be done right away!