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Monday, April 22, 2013

Mind The Manic

Laura came up with a clever phrase to put up on our kitchen bulletin board.


It is a reminder to not get too excited and happy and crazy around the house.
Good advice
Notice when things are getting a little too big and cool down 

reminds me of 


take a deep breath

we have been reminded of mindfulness

anyway I like the phrase

how about mind over manic?



Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Doomsters Are Wrong

There is a bunch always predicting economic collapse.
But they leave something out of their equations.

They leave out the improvement in productivity that is happening now and
has been happening and will continue to happen!

Of course, government tends to do things that obstruct productivity such as
price controls and taxes and entitlements,


the forces of improving productivity are so powerful
that government really can't stop it!!

So we are not going to collapse

We are going to continue to get richer and richer

That is what is really happening in our global economy.