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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

"Create. Humanity Is Beauty" by Ria Ray

this is a unique book by a truly great and fantastic woman

it is not easy to get this book

the only place I know to buy it is at Fred Segal in Santa Monica

but it is worth having

I suppose you won't have this book until you are ready for it

full of inspired and inspiring words

open at random and see what you need

by Ria Ray
designed by Marilyn Prado-Test and Ria Ray

Monday, December 24, 2012

The Keys To The Kingdom

The keys to the kingdom....a phrase that resonates down the ages....
and what does it mean?

the kingdom of heaven

the keys to the kingdom of heaven have already been given to mankind by the one God

and what are the keys?

"whatever you bind on earth is bound in heaven, what ever you loose on earth is loosed in heaven"

very mysterious

I looked around and could see a hint of the explanation. I look down at the earth or around and I see a lot of boundaries. I see forms and definitions. I see objects. I see things that we can measure, things that are finite in a sense.
I look up at the sky and see the infinite, the boundless.

But the real point is that I am seeing this.

I am seeing the finite.
I am seeing the infinite.

I am making boundaries in my mind. I am loosing the infinite in the sky.

It is my own power to create through the power of the divine.

So here is what I am hearing.

God says we are free. We are free to bind. We are free to loose. And God backs us up on this. What we desire God produces.

We are absolutely free. But we are free to bind! And we are free to set free!
It is our choice.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Merry Chastening

it is the season to be jolly
and the season to give

and the point of it all is really for us to learn to be good people

and one of the most powerful events that can help us to improve


you are on the wrong track and have trouble and it looks like the wild ego running amok
and it gets away with it for a while and then finally hits the wall which hurts a lot or runs off the track which makes you mad and keeps you from your goal of building the biggest tower

and this is chastening

and this perhaps will result in some humility
which is a good thing

to be humble in the face of the infinite
after all it is infinite and no matter how big you get
compared to the infinite you are almost nothing

remember who you are
here you are finite
there you are infinite

it is a paradox of perspective or point of view

and here is a little thought of me personally

I ask for correction now. I ask for chastening now to save me from a worse chastening later if I don't become more humble

Please chasten me! It will save me! From myself!

Special Olympics of Life

who is not strange?

who is not handicapped?

so we are all handicapped and it is our handicaps that give us reality
our handicaps are simply boundaries or limits
with no limits
we not not even exist

we would "dissolve into the infinite"

so we are all out there competing with our handicaps and getting rid of some of them and getting new ones like how we slow down as we get old or suddenly have an illness or an injury or we learn to do things a new way and get help with a new path climb the mountain and get there and be satisfied for a time and then climb another mountain

and happiness comes and goes and comes again just like love comes and goes and comes again

when you win
when you overcome an obstacle
when you overcome a handicap
you feel happy

no obstacles no happiness

or maybe true happiness is something else but what? the bliss of the void or what?

so here is a little thought

still here, still playing, still learning, still competing, still alive
and loving it

in the right league, in the right game, in the right school,

the school of life
we are all in together
for fun, for joy, for happiness, for each other

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Give 'Til It Hurts

how do you know you are giving?

what is giving?

giving in
giving up

you win....I will not dispute your claims....you win
I will not argue about it any more....you win

Should it hurt?

In our culture the most remarkable act of giving
that we are almost all familiar with
was the gift to humanity given by Jesus

and from all indications
it hurt a lot

it hurt him a lot

believe it or not, the story is of a great gift that was given at great pain

give until it hurts

maybe not such a bad idea

Monday, December 17, 2012

And Acquainted With Grief

I have known grief

lost friends

lost pets

lost relationships

lost parents

lost health

lost dreams

Grief is normal and needed and natural

and yet I have learned something else about grief

it is selfish

OK to be selfish when you suffer a terrible loss

but good to remember that we are all the same
we all lose everything
every birth means a death
our loss is really no greater than anyone else's
even though it looks that way 

so I don't wallow in grief
I try to grieve privately as much as possible
I let myself get better, even though I never fully recover

and my goal is to be of good cheer

to serve the needs of others
by helping and working and learning to be less selfish

Saturday, December 15, 2012

one spirit

when you go all the way and seek the source and
the truth of identity
you find the one infinite spirit
and you know that is all there is

who is it that chooses?

it is you

who are you?

the one spirit

creative and all powerful

who are they?

 they are the one spirit

who is he?

he is the one spirit

nothing stands in opposition to the one

the one is the all

Monday, December 10, 2012

Abolish Capital Gains Tax

Now that is a good idea.
That would free a lot of stuff and allow it to be more productive.
Many people never sell because of the tax.
Land is not put to best use because people will not sell
because of the tax.

Or, at the very least,

index capital gains

if the dollar drops in value by 50% and your asset appreciates
by 100%


so taxing that gain is just appropriation of capital

I don't believe it is right for government to appropriate capital

some people do think it is right

How much has the value of the dollar dropped in the last 15 years?

I estimate between 30% and 50%
so people taking gains on assets they have been holding for the last 15 years
are probably being cheated by this lack of indexing


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Establishing Peace





Monday, December 3, 2012

Minus One Too Harsh?

if indexing minus one or inflation minus one is too harsh then imagine this

just always round the increases down

so if inflation was 1.2% then the increase is 1%

if it is 1.9% the increase is still only 1%.

This is a little more gentle but gets the job done over time

Sunday, December 2, 2012


dreaming is the mind's natural healing process.....

natural psychotherapy

that is why we need plenty of sleep

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Indexing Minus One

Indexing was a great idea that stopped government from really taking us to the cleaners with inflation.
But it could also help to balance the budget now if people would start taking inflation minus one as their benefit increase.

Here is a real world example.

In Santa Monica we have tough rent control.

Every year landlords can increase rents, but only at 75% of the rate of inflation.

If inflation is 3% then the rent increase is 2.25%.

If inflation is 4% then they can raise rents by 3%. So this scheme is actually a little more generous to landlords than indexing minus one would be. That is, as long as inflation does not exceed 3%.

And the escape for landlords is vacancy decontrol. When a tenant voluntarily vacates the landlord can then ask for whatever the market will bear.

Thus gradually rents will stay near the free market price.