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Monday, August 22, 2011

Scott Wannberg Said

"Because people are just too hung up on not listening to the music that actually is there. If they had the answers to the big questions, they could follow the music to the dance hall that never closes."

Now that is a remark I can resonate with as I listen to the sweet jazz of
Greg Manning from his album THE CALLING

the music
the music
it never stops
and the dance
the dance
it never stops

and to update the sentiment

People are listening! they are hearing! They are Awake! They are alive to the delightful truth of the spirit!
The big answer was given and received and here we are now in bliss!

Eternal bliss

Right here

Right now

This is it!

the big questions like
what is the point of the cosmos and what is the point of life
and the answer is

whatever you think!
you make it
you create it
you choose
you decide

freedom freedom
infinite power
infinite love
eternal love

there is the truth and the answer all wrapped up to give




Practice and Humility

Personal thoughts
Have been around enough to realize that I could be better at a lot of things
And also that being better is not that important
but that better is better

And I know that getting better requires a choice to pursue improvement

And then it means putting in the time
and making the time count

seems like simple stuff

practice practice practice

with the right attitude

some practice can be harmful when done with the wrong attitude

always with humility
and with care
and without pushing

and with deep breathing
and get better

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Hyperbolic Gold Price

Time to jump in?
Or time to sell?

History says that when a chart goes hyperbolic, it is soon going to go down a lot.
Gold recently moved up about 20% in about 6 weeks.

This should be the end of the gold bubble.

I still expect gold to decline over the next few years back to around $500 an ounce.

So far I have been way early as far as the end of gold. So I could still be way early.
What I see is the big players sucking in all the little guys now and dumping gold so the little guys are left holding the bag.

We will see.

Of course in the long run, if gold does what it did in the last 40 years, it will go to $50,000 an ounce. But what will that buy in the year 2050? And who will be there to do the buying and selling?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Big Pumpkin Studios

How important is it to have a good name?
It is invaluable!

In my back room I have a recording studio taht has languished with no name.
Today I give her a name


why plural?
well I also record in the house and down at Euclid and elsewhere and they are all together BIG PUMPKIN STUDIOS
and then I can have a nice logo

Monday, August 8, 2011

Bear Market? Almost There!

Getting close to that bear market
60 more points down on the S&P 500 will put us in bear territory

what are we really afraid of?

Or is it all sober selling from the market masters and manipulators?

who is doing all the selling?
And what are they doing with the cash?


Sunday, August 7, 2011

All Comedy Is Like

All comedy is like
making farting sounds
with their armpit

how about

making sounds farting
with their armpit

sounds making farting
with their armpit

or farting making sounds
with someone else's armpit

or how about
all comedy is just someone
making crying sounds
when they would rather just fart

Friday, August 5, 2011

All Jobs Are Not equal

We heard the news today, o boy!
About gains in private jobs and losses in public jobs

And that is all to the good

GOVERNMENT workers are a drag on the economy
we are BETTER OFF with fewer government workers!

Government depends totally on the private sector.
And government workers tend to interfere and obstruct private enterprise.

So we are better off with fewer government workers
and more private workers

This is the best news we could get!

And frankly, government should not be growing! It should find ways to be more efficient.
And that would cut government employment.
We should be able to get along with many fewer government workers if they would only discover modern efficiency.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Seven Sins

Catchy Catholic Phrase!







and the big one for today is


These attitudes are harmful to the person who has them.
Is there a remedy for envy? I generally have two things I think of regarding envy.

If I really look at the total person I envy, don't I see plenty to not envy!
Would I change places with that person?

There is unity and spiritual unity
If we are one then I am really only envying myself. That is silly.

And there is more.
I really have enough. I really have more than enough. So why should I envy someone just because they have more than I do?

One more
Just selfishness,it is selfish to envy, and selfishness doesn't work. We are happy when we stop being selfish, when we love and appreciate the wonderful world we have from one moment to the next

Still Just A Correction

Big selloff in the markets recently.
And where is the support?
A lot lower still.

Looks like support in the DOW around 11,000
and support in the S&P around 1200

so, another 6% down to go.

But that is still only a correction.

To get a bear the DOW would need to go below 10,300.

My indicators tell me the economy is humming along very well. I see plenty of traffic,
high but moderating fuel costs. Busy restaurants. Sold out movies
Rents are coming in well. Vacancies are low. I see homes being renovated and construction projects. Plenty of economic activity!
Slow growth is the best.
We already have more than we need

Don't blame and castigate the responsible.
If people behave responsibly, they really do have great odds of success.
There are only a very few who have fallen due to bad luck alone.
Consider habits of thrift, diligence, honesty, optimism, persistence,
all the good stuff
people who really live that way are almost always well off.

And what are the irresponsible behaviors that lead to suffering?
I will not list them.
We know what they are
Better to not even go there.

perhaps attitudes, the seven deadly sins

and there are remedies for the seven sins
study this

Fear and More Fear

"Do not be afraid!
I have good news for you"

People should not be afraid. They should abide in the truth.

Is there one truth or are there many truths?

For me the truth is simple. It is grace. It is the infinite void.
It is the perfect now.

There is something to be said for the attitude that allows one to face all things squarely.

"There is nothing love cannot face."

A big dose of understanding, of faith, of hope and of love.

Love can face anything. Love does not need to turn away. Because love knows the truth of grace.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Vision Thing

So, who is at the top really makes a difference. They really do set a tone and set one organization apart from another.
At the top of the USA sits President Obama.
His vision tends to be what we experience.

He sees things too negatively. He sees crisis everywhere.
And thus the recent unhappy talk has led to an unhappy economy
where growth is slowing and may go negative and where unemployment is still considered to be a big problem.

Because of the man at the top with his negative attitude.

We need a strong dose of realistic optimism!
Quit looking at the losers and focus on the winners. Plenty of winners around
More than enough winners around if we just would relax and let the losers lose.

Losers don't really need help anyway They just need to wake up.

So the vision thing is really important for our community. We need optimism and patience and kindness and responsibility and diligence.
What we don't need are threats of catastrophe.
The threats and the fear engender paralysis.

What we need is optimism and a firm recognition that things are not so bad.

If You Wear A Wristwatch You Will Make More Money

Look around and see who wears a wristwatch and who doesn't.
Pretty soon you realize that there is a correlation between wristwatch wearing and success.

We don't need more education (which we can't afford)
we need people to wear wristwatches!

Successful people are much more likely to wear a wristwatch.

The wristwatch helps them to attain success.

Monday, August 1, 2011

What We Want

What we really want
is not to be richer

what we really want
is to be more free