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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Geoffrey F. Morgan Works

I compiled this information about some of the works of Geoffrey F. Morgan. He wrote the texts for these high school musicals.

copyright title music publisher
1921 Riding Down The Sky Geoffrey O'Hara Bost., Birchard
1921 The Sunbonnet Girl Frederick G Johnson Cincinnati, Willis Music Co.
1924 The Belle of Baghdad Frederick G Johnson Chicago : Raymond A Hoffman
1926 Tulip Time Frederick G Johnson Chicago : H.T. Fitzsimons Co.
1927 Peggy and the Pirate Geoffrey O'Hara Boston : C.C. Birchard
1927 Lantern Land Geoffrey O'Hara Boston : C.C. Birchard
1927 The Count and the Co-ed Geoffrey O'Hara Boston : C.C. Birchard
1928 Riding Down The Sky Geoffrey O'Hara Boston : C.C. Birchard
1928 Marrying Marian Fred Rose Chicago, T.S. Denison
1928 In Hot Tamale Land Chicago, T.S. Denison
1929 In Hinky-Doodle Town Chicago, T.S. Denison
1929 A Dumb Waiter Fred Rose Chicago, T.S. Denison
1929 A Royal Cut-Up Chicago, T.S. Denison
1929 The Pride of Pasadena Chicago, T.S. Denison
1929 The Sunbonnet Girl Frederick G. Johnson Ohio : Willis Music Co.
1930 Daniel Boone Samuel Richards Gaines Boston, C.C. Birchard
1930 The Tea House of Sing Lo Daniel ProtheroeChicago : H.T. Fitzsimons
1930 Don Alonso's Treasure Arthur A Penn New York : C. Fischer
1930 Rose of The Danube Arthur A Penn New York : C. Fischer
1930 Sonia; or, The Girl From Russia Don Wilson Cincinnati, Willias Music Co.
1931 A Bold Front Fred Rose Chicago, T.S. Denison
1932 A Dumb Waiter Fred Rose Chicago, T.S. Denison
1932 Up In The Air Don Wilson Chicago : H.T. Fitzsimons Co.
1934 Crocodile Island Frederick G Johnson New York : C. Fischer

Dow Touches 12,000

1/26/11 early in the morning.
DOW 30 Industrials touches 12,000.
New recovery high.
Better late than never.
I always thought it would happen sooner.

But you can't predict the future. It is uncertain, random, hidden, meant to be a surprise.
Now what?
Up and down.
But it looks good for the next couple of years.
People are getting more productive and feeling more optimistic.
Gold has been going down lately.
That is good.
Gold is a silly thing. And gems are silly things.
Diamonds are silly things.

Obama says, "WIN THE FUTURE."
I don't get what that means.
He calls for struggle and sacrifice.

we don't need to struggle.
or fight
Just set goals and work calmly toward them. That is sufficient.
And every day is sufficient.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Business Experience

Been trying to make a living now for about 35 years. And succeeding.
And I have learned a few things.

Started out as an itinerant piano teacher. Pretty soon I had 27 students. Then I decided to raise my rates and pretty soon I had fewer students.

Then I got involved in apartment management
first as an employee
later as an owner

We always stay full. When we have a vacant unit we do what it takes.
Sometimes it means a lot of refurbishment.
But really it is always about the price.
With a reasonable price we always stay full. Prices do fluctuate and sometimes we get more and sometimes less.

Recently we are getting less. But we are still full. I don't mind cutting my prices aggressively. What I mind is having a vacant apartment.

I read how the unemployment rate in LA County is at an all time high of 13%.
Why would this be any different from my experience?

Why would supply and demand theory not apply to the labor market?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

To Be Whole

I came upon a random depression
round it was
and deep
so deep

And I made this observation

"This is a whole wholly holy hole."
the whole hole
the holy hole
the wholly holy hole
the whole wholly holy hole


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Dead Goose! Suspect is California Government

Still have unemployment here higher than most states. Any recovery in sight?
On the contrary, people are looking for greener pastures in other states.

Don't kill the goose!
That was a lesson I learned early on. If you increase your prices, your customers will go away.
Government increases taxes and regulations. Too much and the people can go away. They can move to other states.
We could erect an iron curtain to keep them here! That would be fun.

Local justice can also drive people away. When the courts are too punitive, the people go away.

Any hope?

Nixon went to China. Maybe Jerry Brown will cut the price of government and save the state.
I hope he does.
I hope he can save us from ourselves.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Don't Sell America Short

Happy New Year ! 2011
twenty eleven
what a great year this is going to be!

Another good day for the bulls. Stocks moving up sharply.
Sorry for the shorts
Optimism pays
pessimism leaves you stuck in the mud
Let it flow
Open your heart and let the love flow through